Here are some tips that might help to resolve some issues :
Check that in the iRacing app.ini file, the value irsdkEnableMem is set to 1.
Check that the iRacing Helper Service is running. You can restart it by executing the file "C:\Program Files (x86)\iRacing\Start_iRacingService.bat"
If you have issues with the Auto refuel or the refuel button, start iRacing from the web page instead of the iRacing UI.
If you have the message "Incorrect post.php password" on the JRT server console and that you put the correct password, try to replace http by https on the post.php address in JRT Config > Broadcast.
Sometimes, JRT doesn't detect the correct Internet IP of your iRacing computer. Check that in JRT Config > Server. If the Internet IP displayed by JRT is not correct, you can fix it by editing the set_IPs.txt file in "My Documents/Joel Real Timing" and by replacing 'auto' by the correct Internet IP. Save the file and restart the JRT server.
Try to use the Opera browser.
Firstly, check that you don't have messages errors in the JRT server console or that you don't have recent log_crash files in C:/Joel Real Timing.
Go in "My Documents/Joel Real Timing", edit the set_IPs.txt file and replace 'auto' by your computer local IP. Save it and restart the JRT server.
Go in "My Documents/Joel Real Timing", delete the tethering_mode.txt file and restart the JRT server.
Delete the cache of your browser and restart it, or try with another browser.
Check that it's not your antivirus that is blocking it. Add an exception for the timing.exe program.
Check that it's not an extension of your browser that causes the issue.
If you have AVAST Antivirus, try to deactivate it and see if it is the cause of the issue. If yes, you should be able to add an exception for the Timing.exe program.
Deactivate google translate on your browser for the JRT pages.
You can test the solutions you have for the "External device connection issues".
- Try this cuda 10.0 version.
- When installing CUDA, just check "runtime" and "development" and don't install "Visual Studio Integration", "GeForce experience" and "Drivers".
Uncheck "Animations" in the timing page settings. This setting can cause stutters because it consumes a lot of ressources when there is position changes or when there is a new best laptime for a driver.
Decrease the refresh rate of the JRT pages. Try 1 for the timing and the trackmap, and 15 for the dashboard.
If you are using a browser, try to activate or to deactivate the hardware acceleration setting of your browser.
If you are using the overlays, try to activate or to deactivate the hardware acceleration setting in the JRT overlays options.
Let Windows give top priority to iracing when you put anything over iRacing. To do this, go into windows graphics settings, optimize for windowed games and add iRacingSim64DX11.exe
- Type services.msc in the search box on the Start menu. Scroll down until you see 'Desktop Window Manager Session Manager', right-click and choose "Stop". After it stops, right-click and choose "Start". The transparency should work again for the JRT Overlays.
If you have performance issue you can try to add this in the overlay shortcut property at the end of the target :
--enable-transparent-visuals --disable-gpu
If you are using the JRT overlays and need to access a JRT page with the chrome browser (it can happen if you want to watch the dashboard on your USBD480 display)
, don't use the address to access the JRT page and replace it by the local IP address.
If you created a chrome shortcup, go in the link properties and in the target field, replace by the local IP address.
If the "electron-overlays.exe" file is missing in "C:/Joel Real Timing/Electron-Overlays" that is probably because your antivirus put it in quarantine. You have to add an exception for this file in your antivirus software.
Right click on the source, select HTML tab and click on the "Refresh" button
Go in properties of the source and click on the "Refresh cache of current page" button
Check that you are using the JRT version 1.28 or later, delete the key.lic file in C:/Joel Real Timing, restart JRT, enter an iRacing session and drive a few seconds.
Change the USB port (don't use USB 3) and restart JRT.
Reinstall the logitech drivers.
Check in JRT Config > Server that the local IP detected by JRT corresponds to your Wifi adapter. To check that, enter cmd in the windows search box to start the windows console and enter ipconfig to see your network configuration. If you need to change the local IP in JRT, go in "My Documents/Joel Real Timing", edit the set_IPs.txt file and replace 'auto' by the correct local IP. Save it and restart the JRT server.
Go in "My Documents/Joel Real Timing", delete the tethering_mode.txt file and restart the JRT server.
- On your iRacing computer, switch the firewall off and on.
- Set your local network to public instead of private on your iRacing computer.
- Replace the ports 8000 and 8001 by 8010 and 8011 in JRT config and restart JRT. If you can't access to JRT config, edit the webserver_port.txt and port8001.txt files in "My Documents/Joel Real Timing".
- Delete the cache of your device browser and restart it.
- Deactivate antivirus / firewall on your device.
- If you are using a Proxy on your device, deactivate it.
- Restart your router.
- Check that javascript is activated in your browser.
- Try with another browser or uninstall and reinstall your browser.
- Replace the ports 8000 and 8001 by 8010 and 8011 in JRT config and restart JRT. If you can't access to JRT config, edit the webserver_port.txt and port8001.txt files in "My Documents/Joel Real Timing".
It can happen when a device connected on your local network took the local IP used by your iRacing computer.
Set a fixed IP on each device connected to your local network different from you iRacing computer IP
Change your iRacing computer local IP.
If this happened after trying to activate the USB Tethering mode, delete the tethering_mode.txt file you have in "My Documents/Joel Real Timing" and restart the JRT server.
Delete the set_IPs.txt file you have in "My Documents/Joel Real Timing" and restart the JRT server. If that's not working, edit this file and replace 'auto' by the correct local IP. To find the local IP, enter cmd in the windows search box to start the windows console and enter ipconfig to see your network configuration. The local IP correspond to the IPv4 address of your network adapter.
Reinstall vJoy
Deactivate vJoy in JRT by deleting or renaming the vJoyInterface.dll and vJoyInterface32.dll files located in the JRT installation folder. Note that the JRT buttonbox won't work anymore.
Right click on the chrome app shortcut and add this in the target :
Replace dashboard by the page name you are using and don't forget to replace 8000 by the port you are using in case you changed it.
It can be caused by a bad config file. If it's the case, rename the "My Documents/Joel Real Timing" folder and restart JRT to see if it is fixed.
In some cases, JRT can't find the "My Documents" folder. If you open the log_errors.txt file you will see this message at the end :
FileNotFoundError: [WinError 2] The file specified can't be find: 'C:\\Users\\Joel\\Documents\\Joel Real Timing\\'
You can fix that by specify manually the folder. Open the file "config - default/mydocuments.txt" and put for example "D:/My Documents/".
If you are Brazilian and have installed the Warsaw app from GAS Tecnologia that is a bank app, it is probably this program that blocks JRT. Uninstalling it should resolve the issue.
- Delete the cache (ctrl-f5 in windows)
It can be caused by an application that try to access to the "My Documents/Joel Real Timing" folder. It can be an app synchronizing files with a cloud server or an anti-virus.
If you use Avast anti-virus, open Avast, choose Menu > Settings > Exception and select the application folder where JRT app is located.
- Close the iRacing Beta ui, restart the JRT server and try again.
- Delete the Simhub cache : go in the %localappdata%\simhub folder and delete the CefSharp and Webview2UserData folders.
- Add a parameter after the html address containing the JRT version or a random number like this for example :