- Fixed an issue that could cause the maximum consumption to be incorrect. The prevent that, when a new consumption is calculated, JRT checks
that the max consumption is never 2 times higher than the last 5 laps average consumption.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the tire stints column to not being updated in practice sessions.
- Fixed a bug with the class gaps on the timing that were not calculated when using the colors_by_num.js file.
- Added options for the last, best and qualy columns on the timing so you can display 1, 2, 3 or 4 decimals.
- Fixed a bug that could cause the consumption to be very high during practice.
- The session last laptime delta value on the dashboard is now relative to the last laptime shown in JRT even if this last laptime
contains an incident.
- Fixed a bug with the Push to Pass count for the driver car with the Super Formula cars.
- Fixed a bug that was causing some data on the dashboard no being updated. This issue could happen only on external devices.
- Fixed a bug with the personalized colors on the dashboard when iRacing was stopped.
- Fixed a bug with the RPM leds on the dashboard for the Dallara P217 car.
- Fixed an issue that made the last lap consumption replaced by the average consumption.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the consumption not to be calculated.
- Fixed a bug that made the best laptimes not displayed in a practice session.
- Fixed an issue with the personalized colors on the dashboard.
- Fixed an issue that could make JRT to crash.
- Now when using the 'Change also the RPM, Gear and Speed background color with the Shift Light' option on the dashboard, if you are using a header or borders, the header background and the border colors will also change.
- Fixed a bug with the Remaining Time calculations on replays.
- Added a background transparency coefficient for the timing pages.
- Added opacity, height and font size options for the pitbox yellow bar on the dashboard.
- Fixed a bug with the virtual winner and the predicted finishing position calculations.
- Added a second column for the driver/team name in case you want for example to seperate the driver and team columns.
- Fixed an issue with the broadcast mode 3 where the configured service (fuel and tires) were not shared properly to the other drivers.
- The JRT calculator now takes into account that the other cars consumption could be up to 10% less than your car, that can
cause an extra lap for the race because the winner could then save a pit stop unexpected considering your own consumption.
- The session best laptime delta value on the dashboard is now relative to the best laptime shown in JRT even if this best laptime
contains an incident.
- Fixed an issue with the orange circle on the trackmap that was not displayed in some cases.
- The font size of the in-car settings display now adapts to dashboards that have a ratio wider than 16:9.
- Added 'Target stint + 1 lap - consumption required', 'Target stint - 1 lap - consumption required',
'Target stint + 1 lap - consumption delta' and 'Target stint - 1 lap - consumption delta' options for the dashboard.
- Now in practice sessions, the push to pass counter displays 999 in practice sessions instead of 0.
- You can now change the AJAX request method from POST by default to GET for you JRT pages on your web server when using broadcast mode if you have issues with loading the data, by adding the request_method parameter in the url.
Just add ?request_method=GET at the end of the url, for example : https://yourwebsite/timing.html?request_method=GET
- Added the possibility to set a button to reset the maximum consumption value.
- Fixed a bug with the last laptime value.
- Reduced the font size in the TV Player to avoid issues when using others types of fonts.
- Added an option on the dashboard to change the name color to red/blue when the driver is not in the same lap in a race session.
- Fixed a bug on the dashboard where changing the opacity value and the background color had no effect for the compass.
- Added wind and north arrow color options on the dashboard and the possibility to display only the wind arrow.
- Added options for the predicted race length values on the timing and the dashboard to display or not the decimals.
- Added an option to deactivate the 'automatic autoscroll' for the 'Relatives mode' on the timing pages.
- Added values on the timing and the dashboard that show the predicted number of laps for the last stint of the race used by JRT
for the calculations. It can be useful to know if JRT expects some cars to be short on fuel at the end of the race for example.
- Added an element on the dashboard to display a light when the pit limiter is ON.
- Added a dashboard light option to display a light when the pit limiter is ON with the text 'Pit Limiter ON'.
- Added the exceptions for the ReTime that has been increased to 120 seconds for the SF23 cars on Fuji and Motegi.
- Added the new cars and tracks.
- Fixed a bug with the 'use the car class color' option that was not working anymore.
- The yellow flags lights on the dashboard are now deactivated during 'Lone Qualify' sessions.
- The 'ghosts' cars are not displayed anymore on the timing relatives during 'Lone Qualify' sessions.
- Fixed a bug with the 'Pit Entry Speed' value that was not resetted when using active reset.
- The spotter sounds and the fastcar beep are now deactivated during 'Lone Qualify' sessions.
- Added the new McLaren car.
- The background color for the 'ERS/HYS battery charge' element on the Dashboard becomes green when it is recharging.
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't display the 2nd decimal for the ERS/HYS battery charge value.
- Added an option in JRT Config/Pit parameters to edit the maximum consumption value so you can reset it for the car if you want by entering the value 0.
- Fixed a bug that could happen randomely with time elapsed displayed on the timing.
- Fixed a bug with the text shadows on the timing.
- Added a "SC" menu on the timing in case you want the 'Pacing line position', 'First Wave-By' and 'Second Wave-By' columns to be calculated relatively to the car of your choice when the Pace car is not out.
- Added an option for the 'Delta times for the latest N laps' option on the timing and the dashboard to hide the delta for each lap and show only the total and/or the current delta.
- JRT can now be installed in the 'Program Files' folders.
- The 'Pit Speed Diff' value on the dashboard now displays the speed difference also when you are in the 'approaching pit' zone
and it will be displayed even if the speed difference is over the 3.3km/h limit.
- Now the Speed value on the dashboard always display the speed and not the pit speed difference anymore when it is under the 3.3km/h limit.
- Added a 'Pit Entry Speed' element on the dashboard that displays the speed when you passed the pit entry line for the last time. This can help you practice your pit stops using the iRacing active reset and check if your speed was correct when passing the line.
- Added a 'Pit Entry Distance when you got under the speed limit' element on the dashboard. It displays the distance (in meters) between the Pit Entry and when you got under the speed limit. The number will be negative if you got under the speed limit before the Pit Entry. It can help you to analyse how efficient your braking was. To optimize the time lost during your pit stop, you want to minimize this distance.
- Added a 'Pit Entry Distance when you started to brake' element on the dashboard. It displays the distance (in meters) between the Pit Entry and when you started to brake. To optimize the time lost during your pit stop, you want to minimize this distance.
- Added a 'Pit Entry Distance with your actual position' element on the dashboard.
- Added a 'Pit Stall Distance with your actual position' element on the dashboard.
- Added blink options for the 'Use the LEDs to control the speed in the pit lane / Show when the pit limiter is active' option on the dashboard.
- Added the track wetness converted in % on the weather infos on the trackmap page.
- Added an option 'Automatic Rotation including Overall Standing' for the 'Filter by class' option on the timing.
- Changed the compound names for the new rain ready cars.
- Added the new cars and tracks.
- Fixed an error in the 'session last laptime delta' name description for the dashboard.
- Fixed a bug with the reference width option on the timing that was not loaded properly and caused the timing to load
with an incorrect font size.
- The back slashes in the setup name are replaced by a slash to avoid a bug with the broadcast mode when using a setup in a subfolder.
- Fixed a bug where the laptimes events were not updated on the timing pages after a session change. That was causing for example the laptimes average columns and the laptimes history to stay empty.
- Fixed a bug with the standing during the grid or the parade laps before the race.
- The new IMSA Endurance Series logo should be displayed now in the timing banner.
- Fixed a bug with the Max consumption value displayed on the dashboard.
- Fixed a bug where some elements could not be selected on the dashboard.
- Added options on the dashboard to change the clocks format (in game and real). You can choose between 24h and 12h mode, and with or without the seconds.
- Added an option on the dashboard to delete the space before the names.
- Now when you select an element on the dashboard to move/resize it, the iframe eventually activated are hidden to avoid issues.
- Fixed a bug that could make JRT to crash.
- The remaining seconds for the push to pass values for the SF23 cars are now displayed properly on the timing and the dashboard.
- Fixed a bug where the in-car setting change display could be hidden by element that have a modified Z-Index Offset value.
- Fixed a bug with the trackmap 3D overlay that could cause the overlays to be closed because of a memory leak issue.
- Fixed an issue where the classes order could be wrong when playing a replay.
- Fixed some issues that could cause the gaps on the timing to be wrong at the end of the race because of an iRacing bug.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the timing relatives to be frozen on the last lap when the leader was near behind you.
- Added options for the check mark html text displayed when the iRacing box is checked or unchecked on the dashboard. You can also personalize the background/font colors : set the min to 0 and the max to 1 to define the color when it is unchecked and set the min to 1 and the max to 2 to define the color when it is checked.
- Fixed a bug with the filter by class automatic rotation option when the autoscroll was activated.
- Fixed a bug where the class header was not displayed when using the filter by class option and the group by class option at the same time.
- Added an option for the dashboard light refuel alert where you can specify a duration in seconds after which the light will be turned OFF, and another where you can specify a time period after which the light will be turned back ON.
- Fixed a bug with the Honda and Hyundai TCR cars logos.
- Fixed a bug that could make JRT to crash when using the TV camera buttons on the timing.
- Added a timing column that displays the position behind the pace car.
- Renamed the titles for the timing columns.
- Added a Pace Flags column on the timing that displays EOL (End of Line), FP (Free Pass) or WA (Waved Around).
- Added a 1st Wave By column that displays WB1 when the pace car is out and the car is between the pace car and his class leader.
- Added a 2nd Wave By column that displays WB2 when the pace car is out and the car is between the pace car and his class leader OR not on the lead lap of his class leader.
- Fixed a bug where the laps remaining calculations could be randomely underestimated by 1 lap.
- Added the track wetness converted in % on the weather infos on the timing page.
- If you are using the "My Documents/cars - logos - perso" or the "My Documents/clubs - logos - perso" folders to personnalize the logos, you can put inside them only the logos you want to change and JRT will use the default logos for the others.
- Added an option on the dashboard to display the driver setup name.
- JRT now calculates the P2P status in races for the SF23 cars because this value is not available in the iRacing telemetry.
- On the timing and the dashboard, the background color for the push to pass count value becomes grey when the push to pass
can't be reactivated because of the 100 seconds delay required for the Superformula cars after the deactivation. The remaining delay is indicated in parenthesis.
- Added a dashboard light option for the push to pass.
- Added push to pass light elements for the car ahead, the car focused and the car behind on the dashboard advanced options
with the possibility to choose the color and to blink it using the 'personalize the value background color' option.
- Added an option to blink the ABS light element on the dashboard by using the 'personalize the value background color' option.
- Added an option to exclude the iRacing refuel value for the in-car settings display on the dashboard.
- Added an option to display the maximum consumption on the dashboard and the fuel to add based on the maximum consumption.
- Added an option for the iRating column to display it in the form X.Xk on the timing.
- Fixed a bug with the 'Flag for the driver' column on the timing.
- Added the new cars and tracks.
- Fixed a bug that could cause the turns infos to not been read on some tracks, for example at Interlagos.
- Fixed a bug that could make the trackmap to disappear in practice sessions when a new driver entered the session.
- Added options to choose the number of decimals for each delta time values on the dashboard.
- Added a track wetness value in % for the dashboard.
- Added a 'Tire Compound selected in iRacing' element on the dashboard.
- Added a 'Rain tires can (not) be used if this value is at 1 (0)' element on the dashboard that displays '1' if the rain tires can be used and '0' otherwise.
- Fixed a bug with the number of cars displayed in the class header on the timing when using the 'group by class' option.
- Added an option for the distpct column on the timing to change the number of decimals displayed.
- Fixed a bug with the autoscroll mode status displayed at the right bottom of the timing.
- Fixed a bug with the autoscroll on the timing when using the 'Automatically turns off the autoscroll when you are not in the car' option.
- Added an option to turns off the autoscroll with a mouse scroll up (it was a hidden feature activated by default but it is now deactivated by default).
- Fixed an issue with the colorize feature where teams containing the "0" char were colorized by error.
- Fixed a bug with the pitstalltime and the stint calculations for the timing pages.
- Added options to change the text color displayed when there is a 2-wide or a 3-wide for the spotter page.
- Added an option on the dashboard to display the number of possible Extra laps if the leader accelerate to his best pace.
- Added an option on the dashboard to display if there is a possibility for an Extra lap in case the leader slow down on his last lap.
- Added 2 calculator options that take into account the possible extra laps in the 'fuel to add' calculations. The 2nd option is activated by default.
- Fixed a bug with the gauge for the 'number of pit stops needed' element on the dashboard.
- Fixed a bug with the predicted pos and cpos columns on the timing.
- Fixed inconsistencies with the calculator.
- Added the new cars and tracks.
- Added specific blue color for the wet tyres on the timing for the compound columns.
- The amount of precipitations is now displayed in the weather infos on the timing and the trackmap.
- Added an element on the dashboard to display the amount of precipitations.
- Added a button to reset the stint calculations on the laptimes history. If you set here the same button than
the active reset button you are using in iRacing, the stint calculations will be resetted properly on
the laptimes history displayed on the timing pages.
- Fixed a bug where the orange gauge and the gold/blue line was not displayed anymore on the remaining laps value on the dashboard.
- For the avg1, avg2, avg3 columns on the timing, if you set the number of laps to 0, it will display the average of the whole stint.
- Improved the accuracy of the predicted position after the pit stop (orange circle) on the trackmap.
- When displaying the Relatives (F3 Box Mode) on the timing, you can now display only a specific class using the "Filter by class" option.
- Added different filter options when displaying the relatives (f3 box mode) on the timing.
There is 6 switches that let you decide if you want to display or not the slower class, your class, the faster class, the cars that are a lap down or more, on the same lap and a lap ahead or more.
You can specify a gap beyond which the cars ahead/behind won't be visible so you can show only the cars that are close to you.
- Added an option to replace the 'Relatives' by the 'Predicted Relatives after the next pit stop' that shows the Relatives as if you had already pitted.
You have also the same filters options than the Relatives specifics to the Predicted Relatives.
- Fixed a bug when using the 'Toggle the timing from Standard to Relatives (F3 Box Mode)' button for the timing page.
- The stint values displayed on the timing and the dashboard is not reinitialized anymore when doing a drive through.
- The Bathurst coord file has been regenerated to fix the North orientation issue.
- Added an option for the broadcast mode 2 named 'Use the team parameter like in Broadcast Mode 3'.
- Fixed a bug with the font color of the class position displayed on the dashboard that was not correct by default.
- Added a "'Fuel to add' Offset for the 'Auto' Refuel mode" element for the dashboard.
- Fixed a bug when changing the 'Filter by class' option on the timing. It could activate the Automatic class rotation.
- Added the possibility to change the background/font color of some elements dynamically on the dashboard when the value is in a specific range you can set. For example, you can tell the speed color to be red when the speed is between 200 and 400 km/h.
- Added an option to replace the orange color for the predicted position circle.
- Fixed a bug with the Air pressure value on the dashboard.
- Added 'How many Tires Sets are remaining', 'How many Front Tires Sets are remaining', 'How many Rear Tires Sets are remaining',
'How many Right Rear Tires are remaining', 'How many Right Front Tires are remaining', 'How many Left Front Tires are remaining',
'How many Left Rear Tires are remaining' settings for the dashboards.
- Added the shift light mode '2. OFF' so you can keep activated only the pit limiter light.
- Added options on the dashboard that display the maximum lateral force and the maximum deceleration during the last turn and the maximum acceleration during the last turn exit.
- Added a "Shift display with the X/Y values above" button that helps to translate all the dashboard elements of a display.
- Fixed a bug with the fast repair remaining value for the dashboard.
- Fixed a bug with the car number displayed on the dashboard during the practice sessions.
- Fixed a bug with the 'Consumption required to finish the race without pitting' (Target conso) value on the dashboard.
- Fixed a bug that could make JRT to crash.
- Fixed a bug when using the broadcast mode 3 with a team that contains more than 32 characters.
- Fixed a bug with the font size for the distance displayed on the pitbox yellow bar.
- Added track_gap / track_cgap columns that gives the gap between the leader / class leader on the track without the laps down.
- Added an option on the dashboard that displays the next turn number.
- The push to pass count won't be displayed anymore on the 'In-car settings display' to avoid it to be displayed every seconds
when activating the push to pass for the Superformula cars.
- Added options for the timing and the dashboard pages to choose the number of decimals displayed for the gaps values.
- Added a 'refuel mode' and a 'calculations mode' element option for the dashboard.
- Addded an option to display or not the half side arrows for the spotter page when JRT doesn't know which side are the cars arround you.
- Added an option for the timing pages named 'Display my laptime history at the start of the page and when you enter a new session'.
- Added a reference laptime delta option for the dashboard. It displays the delta time with a reference lap you can choose on the
your timing laptime history by clicking on the 'Set Ref' button. The reference lap will be saved so when you enter in a new session, it
will be loaded automatically. The data for the reference lap is saved in the 'My Documents/Joel Real Timing/reference_laps' folder.
- Added the new cars and tracks.
- Fixed a bug that could make the JRT pages to crash when changing some settings in JRT Config.
- Fixed a rounding bug with the 'Orange gauge % in the remaining laps' value for the dashboard.
- Added the new Superformula Honda car.
- Fixed a bug where the push to pass infos was not visible on the dashboard for the Stock Car Brasil cars.
- Added an option on the timing in the 'Filter by class' setting where you can select 'Automatic Rotation' if you want to see the standing for each class separately in a delay you can choose.
- Fixed an issue with the overlays.
- Fixed a bug that could make the JRT server to crash with the latest update
- Added an LMP3 class for the JRT class detection.
- Fixed an issue where the photo mode was crashing.
- Fixed a bug with the trackmap pages that were crashing when using name modes 5 or 6.
- Added a refuel option named 'Toggle mode for the refuel button above' that will make the refuel button to uncheck the
'Begin Fueling' iRacing box if it is already checked.
- Fixed a bug where the FIA F4 car logo was not displayed on the timing.
- Changed the behaviour of the decimal number of pits stop displayed on the timing and the dashboard.
Before, 1.99 pits meant that you had 1 pit stop left and that you were very close to have an additionnal pit stop.
Now, 0.99 pits will be displayed instead so it means that you have 1 pit stop almost complete to do.
- Fixed a bug with the horizontal bars on the dashboard where the text color was not correct when you changed the
background opacity and/or the colors.
- Added 3 options on the dashboard that can help you to do a stint with a number of laps you can define.
Those options are named 'Target stint - consumption required', 'Target stint - consumption delta' and 'Target stint - number of laps'.
You can define the number of laps in JRT Config > Pit parameters, and you can define buttons to change it on the fly when driving.
- Fixed a bug with the track orientation option.
- Fixed a bug with the overlays.
- Fixed a bug with the 'Target batt SoC request' value on the dashboard that was not hidden for the cars that doesn't have MGU.
- Fixed a bug with the shift-light where the RPM, Gear and Speed background color was not changed even if the option was activated
when you personalized the background color.
- Added a new timing column named laps_deltas that displays the delta times for the latest N laps with the driver selected.
- Added new dashboard values that displays the delta times for the latest N laps between the car focused and the car ahead/behind.
- Added the new cars and tracks.
- Fixed a bug with the JRT class detection and the new GT3 car.
- Added an option to keep the USB Screen ON even when iRacing is not started.
- Fixed a bug with the show/hide options for the overlays.
- Fixed a bug where the config files path was not displayed in JRT Config > Server.
- Fixed a bug on the dashboard where the power steering assist value was not working on the dashboard for the Dallara P217.
- Some fuel values are now set to "--" when it has no sense to display the value.
- Added an option to display or not % after the value for each tire wear option on the dashboard.
- Fixed a bug where the brake and the clutch was not visible on the telemetry_inputs page when playing a replay.
- Added an option on the timing to display the laptimes as an average speed.
- Added the missing logo for the Gen 4 car.
- Added a driver_flag column on the timing that display the meat ball and the checkered flags for the drivers.
It will also display BF if the driver has a black flag.
- Changed the wind direction arrow on the trackmap.
- Added an additional option on the dashboard to hide the unit for some values where it was always displayed.
- The TV player buttons works now the same way than in iRacing so you can click several times on the rewind, forward, slow
buttons to change the replay speed.
- Added the possibility to change the camera groups on the TV player.
- Added 'Focus on Crashes', 'Focus on Leader' et 'Most Exciting' buttons on the TV Player.
- Added the new cars and tracks.
- Now when the time remaining displays X/Y when the number of laps is limited, X will be the laps count for car focused and not for the leader to match the laps count displayed in iRacing when you are driving.
- Added the new VIR track.
- Fixed a bug where the change of the "Use JRT class detection" option didn't have effect on the sof bar until you restart the JRT server.
- Added Background, Label and Border decoration elements that allows you to add colors, labels and borders independently from the other elements.
- Fixed a bug with the broadcast mode 2 and 3 where some values on the dashboard were not updated.
- Added an option for the spotter to display the arrows when a car behind is close to you only when you are a lap down.
- Fixed an issue with the 'use the css perso' option.
- Added 2 optionals button for the broadcast that will create only the files needed when you update JRT or when you did some changes in JRT Config.
- Added an additional mode option to shorten the track usage description or to display a % range.
- Fixed a bug where changing the background for the 'ERS/HYS battery charge' element on the dashboard was not working.
- Fixed a bug where the ers_margin bars where not visible anymore.
- Added the VOCORE 6.8" display support.
- Fixed a bug that could make the launcher page to crash.
- The air density value on the dashboard has now 3 decimals.
- Added options for the trackmap to disable shadows for the turns and/or the track.
- Fixed a bug with the position displayed on the trackmap in practice or in qualy.
- Fixed an issue with the JRT server when IPv6 is configured on the iRacing PC.
- Fixed a bug that could make the JRT server to crash at the start.
- Now when there is no cars in a class, the header is hidden on the timing when the "group by class" option is activated.
- Added options to display the number of cars and the SOF on the header for the "group by class" option.
- Added a catch_laps column on the timing that displays the number of laps before the focused car catch up with the car.
- Fixed a bug where the estimated laps value was not updated immediately after a calculations mode change.
- JRT now uses the BrakeRaw and the new telemetry value ClutchRaw for the pedals displayed on the dashboard and the telemetry_inputs pages.
- Fixed a bug with buttons binding for some buttons boxes.
- Added the missing logos for the V8 supercars Ford and Holden 2014.
- Added 2 options in JRT Config > Others to change the fuel and/or the speed units regardless of iRacing units setting.
- Now the push to pass elements on the dashboard are hidden automatically if you are not driving the Dallara ir18.
- Now, if you have several Vocore displays, you can select the display number.
- Added an option to display the autoscroll / relatives modes status for the timing.
- Fixed a bug with the fuel to add values on the dashboard where personalizing the background color was not working.
- Fixed a bug with the laps remaining value on the dashboard where personalizing the font color was not working.
- Added an option in JRT Config > Other named 'Deactivate the events calculations for the other cars' that is an intermediate
solution for endurance races where the events for your car are still calculated.
- On the top right of the banner on the timing, 'LIVE' is replaced by 'REPLAY' if you are not in the end of the replay so you
know that you are not watching the live.
- Added a car number option for the dashboard.
- Added a track temperature column in the log_sessions csv files.
- Added an option to scroll down automatically the timing by a number of positions defined.
- Added a TV menu on the timing pages where you can control the replay without the need to use the iRacing UI (Later, an update will come with the possibility to select the cameras ...).
- Added an option in JRT Config > Overlays de set a button to restart the overlays.
- JRT now uses the new IsGarageVisible iRacing value to show/hide the garage cover.
- Added the new cars and the new track.
- Fixed another bug with the launcher page.
- Fixed an issue when using the _colors_by_num.js file.
- Fixed a bug with the launcher page that was crashing.
- Added an option to hide the black SOF for ALL the cars in multiclass sessions.
- Fixed a bug with the displays selection on the dashboard and the "load a display" buttons.
- Fixed a bug with the MGU values for the new Mercedes and BMW cars.
- Fixed a bug with the background color of some values on the dashboard.
- Fixed a bug on the dashboard where the 'push to pass' value for your car was making the dashboard page to crash.
- Fixed a bug with the color and opacity personalization of the 'Current battery deployment % in the lap' element on the dashboard.
- Fixed a bug where the overlays could be restarted in a loop when iRacing was loading.
- Inverted the TC and TC2 on the dashboard for the BMW M Hybrid V8.
- Added a 'number of joker laps complete' column on the timing page.
- Added more options for the RPM Leds element on the dashboard so you can change the Leds colors.
- Fixed a bug where changing the car parameters and the track parameters had no effect until you save the settings and reload the pages.
- Fixed a bug where the 'click through' was not deactivated when it was supposed to be when moving dashboard elements.
- Changed the "Box in iRacing" appearance, using a check mark instead of the X, and removed the borders so you can add it yourself using the additional options if needed.
- Now when an element was made movable on the dashboard, you can click on others elements to make them movable.
- Added driver name, best laptime and last laptime of the leader and class leader in the dashboard options.
- Now when you load a page, the button you eventually set to show/hide the overlay page won't be deleted anymore.
- You can now use the arrows to move a dashboard element that has been made movable. Use shift + arrow combination to move it with the grid.
- Now when you export a dashboard, if you are using a font file located in 'My Documents/Joel Real Timing/displays_fonts', the font file is also exported.
- Now, the settings not used are hidden in JRT Config.
- Fixed a bug where the orange gauge % and the gold/blue vertical line % that was not updated if the remaining laps element was not displayed.
- Added an option to display the white gauge % in the estimated laps.
- Added an option to hide the inactive elements settings for the dashboard.
- Improved the way JRT detects turns for the 'tires telemetry data' option in practice sessions on oval tracks.
- Fixed a bug with the apex speed calculations.
- Fixed a bug with the fuel consumption calculations that could give odd values when restarting the JRT server or coming back in a session.
- Now when you change a shiftlight or a dashboard light setting, you will see an overview during 2 seconds so you can see the effect of the changes immediateley.
- Fixed a bug where the ERS/DRS border/header elements are not hidden on the dashboard if you are driving a car without ERS/DRS.
- Fixed a bug with the background and the foreground image that was not displayed.
- Fixed a bug with the estimated laptime on the dashboard.
- Added an option for the estimated laptime calculations. You can choose to calculate it using the best or the last laptime without incidents.
- Fixed a bug where some dashboard values could not be visible when iRacing was not started.
- Fixed a bug with the "make overlays windows movable" that was not working properly when iRacing was not started.
- Fixed a bug where the trackmap was not loaded when switching between test sessions with different track.
- Fixed a bug with the events data on the timing when loading a replay.
- Fixed a bug where on some tracks the pit stop time was resetted when exiting the pits (for example on the Roval at Charlotte).
- Added an option to display a "2-wide" or "3-wide" message on the spotter page.
- Added a menu on the top left of the trackmap which allows you to select the drivers you want to display.
- Added an option in JRT config for the trackmap to select how many drivers you want to display in each class.
- Fixed a bug with the trackmap page where the position displayed was not updated in some cases.
- Fixed a bug with the 'Adjust this value (positive or negative) if the screen is splitted' option for the Vocore displays.
- In the _colors_by_num.js file, you can also specify an user ID or a team ID instead of the car number in the col_by_num, bg_by_num and classid_by_num arrays.
- Fixed a bug where the dashboard light for the yellow flag was displayed when you switch displays on the dashboard page.
- Added number of decimals, gauge color and gauge opacity options for the number of pits stops needed value on the dashboard.
- Added a column named lap_last_pit on the timing page that displays the lap number where the driver did his last pit stop.
- Added an option for the RPM leds in the pits to set the maximum speed difference in km/h where all the LEDs will be OFF (ON).
- Fixed a bug where the font color for the fuel to add values was grey instead of black.
- Now on the timing, the option to change the name color red/blue when a car is not on the same lap works only when you are in a race session.
- Fixed a bug that could make the SDK Gaming application to close when JRT was started.
- Added specifics options for the dashboard to change colors for the remaining laps, estimated laps, fuel to add and the number of pit stops values.
- Added an option for the dashboard to change the number of decimals displayed for the number of pit stops value.
- Updated the default pit parameters (tank capacity and refuel speed) for the GT3 cars.
- Added an option for the spotter page to hide the arrows for the cars that are behind.
- Added an option for the spotter page where you can deactivate the blue color for the arrows when you are a lap down.
- Added an option for the dashboard to colorize the driver name background (and also some other elements) with the color defined in the timing colorize menu.
- Fixed an issue that could cause some freezes of the JRT pages.
- Added an option for the dashboard to show the display name for 1 second when you select it.
- Added an option for the dashboard light to change the font size coefficient when there is a safety car or a car stopped on the track.
- Added an option for each dashboard light to blink it.
- Now when you use an USB display, the overlays are restarted when you quit iRacing to stop the copy/paste clipboard to be used continually when iRacing is not started. The USB screen will be also turned black.
- Now, the weight jacker value is hidden on the dashboard if the car is not an Indycar.
- The tires/refuel buttons are now working also in broadcast mode 1.
- Fixed another issue that could make JRT to crash.
- Added the options top speed, max speed and apex speed on the dashboard.
- Now the 'click through' option is deactivated temporarily for the dashboard overlay when you want to move an element so you can click on the overlay.
- Fixed an issue with the latest update that was making the JRT server to crash when entering on some series.
Here is a video that shows the new dashboard config options :
- Replaced TRK by RUN when the car is on the track on the track status column in the timing.
- Fixed a bug with the 'Display the Relatives (F3 Box Mode) instead of the Standings' option.
- On the timing, in practice and qualy sessions, the drivers with no lap time are ordered by iRating descending.
- Added options to change the opacity of the spotter arrows and/or the rule. You can also deactivate the shadows.
- Added 2 options to change the number of decimals displayed on the dashboard for the consumptions values and the other fuel values.
- Added an option to display the predicted full stint time including a complete pit stop.
- Added an option to display the orange gauge % in the remaining laps.
- Added an option to display the gold/blue vertical line % in the remaining laps.
- Added options in "JRT Config > Others" to set the laptime % that defines a slow (fast) car for the traffic prediction on the dashboard.
- Improved the 'Estimated time you can drive with the fuel left in the tank' value on the dashboard so it takes into account that you will have
to do the pit stop when you have less than one lap of fuel on the line.
- Added options for the dashboard elements so you can now change the background color, the font color, the font family, the font weight, the font style,
the border radius for each element separatly. You can also add an header. To display those options, click on the '+ options' button.
- You can now move easily a dashboard element by activating the "show the box and make it movable" option and you can be helped or not by a magnetic grid.
- Fixed a bug with the ERS bar that was not working in some cases.
- When you colorize a driver on the timing, a shadow is added on the text for better visibility.
- Fixed a bug with the "dashboard default" and "load a dashboard page" buttons.
- Fixed a bug with the 'semi-auto mode 2' for the 'group by class' feature on the timing pages.
- Added options to change the classes colors in JRT Config > Others.
- Fixed a bug with the 'Remaining Time' element on the dashboard while you were on the grid for a standing start.
- It is now possible to set a button to restart the JRT Server.
- Added an option on the dashboard to display the cars positions without the dot and the shadow.
- Added an option on the dashboard to display the gap with the leader and the class leader.
- Added 'current lap' and 'estimated laptime' value for the dashboard.
- JRT Config is now a lot faster.
- Fixed a bug that could make JRT Config not to be able to set a button.
- Fixed a bug with the "make the overlays movable" option.
- Added the new car et the new tracks.
- Added an option to display the % values on the telemetry_inputs page.
- Fixed a bug with the tire compound displayed on the dashboard for the car behind.
- Added an option for the spotter page to invert the arrows direction.
- Fixed a bug with the autoscroll used with the group by class feature.
- Fixed a bug that could cause the timing to be flickering when using the _colors_by_num.js file in some cases.
- Added stripes on the battery indicator on the compteur page.
- Now when a new driver enter a practice session, JRT should not freeze.
- Fixed a bug with the RPM LEDs on the dashboard where the last blue LED didn't light up on some cars.
- Added options to display the clutch on the telemetry_inputs page.
- Fixed a bug where the overlays didn't restart after an overlay change.
- Now the frontground image is also displayed above the shift-light and the dashboard lights.
- On the dashboard, the number of pit stops is now an integer number. The decimals are replaced by a dark red gauge on the background.
- The number of pit stops calculated should be a bit more accurate.
- Added a "Fuel to add on the last pit stop" option for the dashboard page.
- Added "Club name", "Club logo", "Club flag", "Car name" and "Car logo" options for the dashboard.
- Added an option to shift up/down the USB display in case you have an issue with the screen splitted.
- Added an option in JRT Config > Pit Parameters where you can set the amount of fuel in the tank so JRT can do the correct calculations when your team mate is driving.
- Added a 'Name Mode' option for the dashboard.
- Deleted the asterisk in front of the virtual winner name on the dashboard.
- Added an option to display the clutch on the compteur.html page.
- Added options to change the revs colors on the compteur.html page.
- Fixed a bug with the classes on the timing when you entered a multi class practice session with some classes that were missing.
- Change the behaviour of the autoscroll mode 1 for the timing so when there is no drivers behind the selected driver, there will be no space left at the bottom.
- Added an option named "estimated time" for the dashboard that estimates the time you can drive with the fuel you have in the tank.
- Now, the background of the SOF values on the dashboard takes on the class color.
- Added an overlays option in JRT Config named "Make overlays movable" that will allow you to move the overlays manually. This option will help you to move and to resize the overlays by highlighting them and deactivating if needed the 'click through the overlays' option.
The X position,Y position, Width and Height values will be updated in JRT Config. Once you have placed the overlays, you can click on the SAVE button to
memorize their position.
You can also set a button to change this option, and the new positions will be saved automatically when this option is set to OFF.
- Added an 'Interval' column option on the timing pages that displays the gap with the car ahead in the overall standing in RACE sessions.
- Added the new cars and tracks.
- Added differential mid, differential exit and Engine braking options for the dashboard.
- Now the external usb displays will stay black when iRacing is not started.
- Fixed a bug with the dashboard light color and priority for the light when a car is stopped on the track ahead.
- Fixed a bug with the shift-light auto mode where clicking on the RPM value was not working.
- Added an option to play a sound when you cross the DRS detection zone within the 1 second delta in a race for the F1 cars.
- Fixed a bug with the option to display or not ONLINE/OFFLINE on the timing.
- Added two dashboard pages named M_DASH and M_DASH_F1 you can load via the "load a dashboard page" button that contains respectively 3 and 4 displays.
- Added the missing car logos for the Lucas Oil Off Road and the NASCAR cars.
- Fixed a bug with the laptimes history when loading a replay.
- Fixed a bug with the brake bias value that was not updated for the Mercedes F1 when you change the brake bias fine and migration adjustments.
- Fixed a bug with the tires infos displayed on the dashboard for the car behind.
- Fixed a bug where JRT did not detect when you release a button pressed. That could cause an issue with the buttons to increase/decrease the consumption value.
- Fixed a bug where the "Filter by class" option was not working when using the F3 box mode on the timing pages.
- Fixed a bug that could make the timing page to crash when the "Filter by class" option was set on "my class".
- Fixed an issue for Vocore 4.3" users that had a "32 Pipe error" displayed in the JRT server.
- The session data are not saved anymore when you enter a session as a spectator to avoid a bug when you enter a session as a driver after being in this same session as a spectator.
- Added a telemetry_inputs.html page that displays brake, throttle and wheel angle graphics and displays a wheel with the speed et the gear inside.
- Added new cars and tracks.
- Fixed an issue introcuded with the latest version with the timing pages.
- Added a track status column for the timing pages.
- Added a track status option for the driver ahead and the driver behind on the dashboard pages.
- Added an option to play a sound when the drs can be activated for the F1 cars.
- Fixed a bug with the colorize feature for the trackmap pages.
- Added 'air pressure', 'air density' and 'date in game' options for the dashboard.
- Added 'track name', 'track config' options for the dashboard.
- Added SOF options for each class for the dashboard.
- Added a 'dashboard light' option for the dashboard to have the lights separated from the 'shift light'. You can choose which light you want to be displayed.
- Added positional options for the shift light and the dashboard light.
- You can now specify your own colors for shift-light and the dashboard lights.
- Added a 'fuel alert' blinking light and an 'ABS active' light you can activate for the new dashboard lights.
- Added an 'ABS light when ABS is active' option for the dashboard displays. This option is independant from the dashboard light option.
- Deleted the flags and oil/water temperature alert for the rpm leds.
- The weather background doesn't change anymore with flags.
- Added 'tire compound', 'tires stints' and 'nb tire changes' options for the dashboard.
- Reduced the space between the team name and the driver name when they are displayed on 2 lines on the timing.
- Added a special dashboard light that is activated when a certain condition formula you can edit is true.
- Added an option to set a button to show/hide an overlay page for each page.
- Added an option for the speech option "say the remaining distance" to say 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 instead of 100, 80, 60, 40, 20.
- Added an option to display or not ONLINE/OFFLINE inside the timing banner.
- Added an option for the timing pages to display the best sectors for each driver.
- Added the new cars and tracks.
- Fixed a bug with the manual refuel button and the auto and semi-auto refuel modes.
- Added the possibility to set a button to check the windshield.
- Fixed a bug with the timing and the gap / rel columns font color.
- Added an option to display the country flag instead of the club logo in the clubname column on the timing.
- Fixed a bug with the Porsche 911 GT3 Cup (992) logo that was not loaded on the timing pages.
- Fixed a bug with the export/import buttons for the dashboard displays.
- Fixed a bug when using the USB displays that could cause them to freeze.
- If you are using an USB display, the overlays now starts automatically when it's ready.
- Added an overlays option that allows JRT to start automatically the JRT overlays when it's ready and to restart
the overlays when you add a new overlay window and click on the SAVE button.
- Added a light setting for the USB Displays.
- Added an option for the speed column on the timing pages to choose the number of decimals.
- Now when you use a button to change the 'Fuel to add' Offset for the 'Auto' Refuel mode, you can let the button pressed to change the value faster.
- Added an option to change the timing background color.
- Added a column named laps_led that displays the number of laps led in a race for each driver.
- Fixed an issue where the wrong value was displayed on the dashboard when you changed the 'Target batt SoC request' value for the McLaren MP430 car.
- Added a 'Delta with the fastest stint in the session' option for the dahboard.
- Fixed a bug that could make JRT to crash.
- Fixed a bug with the auto and semi-auto refuel modes.
- Fixed a bug with the timing page.
- Added an option named 'Save debug files' in JRT Config > Others that will create a file debug_refuel_auto.txt to debug the refuel auto/semi-auto modes and
a file debug_endurance_races.txt that is updated every minutes with some performances infos that can help to debug issues in endurance races.
Those files are saved in the "My Documents/Joel Real Timing/debug files" folder.
- Added the 'Target batt SoC request for the McLaren F1' value option for the dashboard pages.
- Fixed a bug with the lic column on the timing pages.
- Added a button you can set for a timing page to activate/deactivate the autoscroll.
- Changed the behaviour of the dashboard rpm leds when you are in the pit lane to help control the speed when you don't use the pit speed limiter.
- Fixed a bug with the frozen data on the timing when the race is finishing. This caused for example the cars to disappear on the trackmap when the leader passed the line.
- Fixed a bug where the launcher page was not working when using the broadcast mode 1.
- Added an option to add a margin between the classes on the timing when using the "group by class" option.
- The autoscroll option is now working when using the "group by class" option.
- Added an option for the dashboard where you can deactivate the period displayed before the names when the F3 box mode is active.
- Added the possibility to display every components of the weather independantly (track temp, air temp, sky, ...)
- Added an option for the "group by class" feature where you can decide that "your own class" is the class of the car selected. You can also determine
your own class by adding the myownclassid parameter in the timing page url,
for example
- Added an option for the timing to let the X leaders always visible for each class. There is also an option where you can choose to let the timing automatically
defile at a definite time.
- Added a dashboard page named RTS_JRT_Dash_v2.1 you can load using the "Load a Dashboard page" button.
- Added an option to display the standing in the reverse order on the timing.
- Added an option to set the shiftlight opacity on the dashboard.
- Fixed a bug with the undo/redo buttons after loading a page with a different css perso file.
- Fixed a bug with the classes colors and names when using the _colors_by_num.js file and when not all classes are reprensented. This bug could be fixed only when the JRT class detection
is not activated.
- Fixed a bug where the SOF bar was not updated correctly.
- Fixed a bug with the timing_broadcast page in the overlays that was not hidden when changing the "show the overlay when ..." options.
- JRT now supports the VOCORE 480x854 5inch display. You will have to select the 5inch display in the USB Displays Options, then restart the JRT server.
- Fixed a bug where the fuel consumption could not be updated in some rare cases.
- Added an option in "JRT Config > Other" that deactivate the events calculations that may help for those that still suffer from JRT being slow in endurance races.
- Fixed a bug where some url didn't work as a frame for the dashboard pages.
- Fixed a bug that could make the dashboard to freeze in practice when a new driver enters the session.
- Fixed a bug with the iframe click through switch in JRT Config.
- Now when a driver does a tow, the background color of the 'lane' and 'stop' columns on the timing pages will be red instead of orange.
- Added options on the dashboard to display the iRacing boxes status for the fuel, the fast repair, the tires and the windshield. You can click on it the check / uncheck a box.
- Fixed a bug with the compass on the dashboard where the arrows were not scaled.
- Fixed a bug where the iRacing series logo was not loaded anymore.
- Added an option to automatically turns off the autoscroll when you are not in the car.
- Fixed a bug where the trackmap configuration was not updated immediately after changing the trackmap orientation and/or the turns names.
- Added an option for the dashboard to display the pit speed difference. It will be visible only when you are in the pitlane and when the speed difference is under 3.3 km/h so you
can display it in fullscreen over the dashboard if you want and it will be visible only when you need it.
- Added the possibility to add a frontground image over the dashboard.
- Added the possibility to set a button for each timing page to toggle from standard mode to relatives mode.
- Added the new cars and tracks.
- Fixed some bugs that could make JRT to crash.
- When you select or change the USB display for the dashboard, you now have to restart the JRT server.
- Added an option for the 'Semi-Auto' and the 'Auto' refuel modes where you can deactivate it for practice/qualy sessions.
- Added an option for the USB Displays to rotate the view by 180°.
- Replaced the 'Animations' options for the timing pages by 2 options 'Positions change animations' and 'Best/Last lap animations'. Note that those 2 options will be deactivated
by default even if you had the animations activated, so you will have to reactivate them if you want the animations.
- Added the new Nascar cars.
- JRT now uses the 'SessionLapsRemainEx' iRacing telemetry value instead of the old value 'SessionLapsRemain' to calculate the number of laps left in the iRacing sessions that are
limited by the number of laps.
- Fixed a bug where the dashboard config was not loaded when the was the ' character in the display name.
- Fixed a bug with the cars logos that were not loaded sometimes.
- Fixed a bug with the auto shiftlight mode.
- Deleted the "O" and the "W" text ahead of the oil and the water temperature on the dashboard.
- Added the new cars and tracks.
- Added an option named "Group by class" for the timing pages where you can display the standings by classes and set the number of cars you want to be displayed in each class.
- Fixed some bugs that could make JRT to crash.
- On the timing pages, when you scroll down with the mouse, the autoscroll mode is deactivated until you scroll up. This way, you can take a look on the top of the leaderboard
without having to deactivate the autoscroll mode.
- Fixed a bug where the info displayed on the dashboard when you activate/deactivate the TC on the Mercedes GT3 was the opposite since the last update.
- Added a refresh rate option for the buttonbox page. You can set it to 0 if you don't have data to refresh to save resources.
- Fixed a bug with the ffb value displayed in Nm on the dashboard.
- Fixed a bug with the 'fuel to add' offset for the 'Auto' refuel mode.
- JRT now supports the VOCORE 480x800 display. You have a menu 'USB Display' in JRT Config where you can activate it.
- Added an option in JRT Config where you can activate your USBD480 (or VOCORE) display without the need to start the dashboard_to_usbd480 program and to create a chrome app shortcut. You will have
to start the JRT Overlays instead and it will now work even when iRacing is in fullscreen mode.
- Fixed a bug where the BMW M4 GT3 was not in the correct class in the Nurburgring Endurance Championship.
- Now the overlays settings in "JRT config > Overlays" are visible only for the overlays activated.
- Fixed a bug with the positions in the timing after doing a tow.
- Added the possibility to set a button to check and to uncheck request a fast repair.
- Fixed some bugs that could make JRT to crash.
- Fixed a bug where the info displayed on the dashboard when you activate/deactivate the TC on the GT4 cars was the opposite.
- Fixed a bug with the visual spotter where the arrows were not displayed in some cases.
- Fixed some bugs that could make JRT to crash.
- Fixed a bug with the 'Number of laps before the next pit to equilibrate the stints' setting on the dashboard
where the number of laps under yellow were not counted.
- Added an overlays general option in JRT Config where you can activate/deactivate hardware acceleration. Changing this option can fix stutters
issues depending on the PC configuration.
- Fixed a bug with the 'colorize drivers' menu that was introduced in the latest version because of the drivers sorted by name. You could not enter a color manually anymore.
- Added 'Left Tires Sets Available', 'Right Tires Sets Available' settings for the dashboards.
- Fixed a bug with the overlays when deactivating the "always on top" setting.
- Fixed a bug with the "hide watermark" setting in the photo mode when doing wide photos.
- Added an option for the visual spotter where you can deactivate it when you are not driving.
- Added an option for the visual spotter where you can activate/deactivate the blinking of the orange side arrows.
- Added an option on the trackmaps to display the P1 label only for your own class.
- Added an option on the trackmaps to display only the cars in your class.
- Now, JRT should recognize your buttonbox even if you connect it after the JRT server.
- Fixed a bug that could make the JRT photo mode to crash on some systems.
- Added a 'predicted overall position' and a 'predicted class position' column option for the timing pages.
- The Safety Car is now displayed on the trackmap when it is not stopped.
- When the Safety Car is out, the text "SC" is displayed on the dashboard shiftlight.
- Added a 'Peak Brake Pressure in %' option for the dashboards that displays the maximum brake pressure in the latest braking zone.
- Fixed a bug with the "Min. fuel to add at the next pit to avoid an additionnal pit", "Fuel to add to equilibrate the stints" and the
"Fuel to add to do equal stints if you pit now" options that were not working anymore after a recent update.
- Added an option for the gap and the cgap columns on the timings where you can hide the time elapsed for the leader.
- Added an option for the photo mode where you can define the resolution of the preview window.
- Fixed a bug where the Auto refuel mode was not working when you entered the pit lane slowly.
- When a car is very slow on the track (under 40km/h), the text "Slow Car" is displayed on the dashboard shiftlight with the distance in meters.
- Added "Check Front Tires Only" and "Check Rear Tires Only" options in JRT Config > General Buttons.
- Added the new tracks (Bark River and Hockenheim) and the new track configurations.
- Added the new car (McLaren 570s GT4).
- Added an option for the photo mode where you can tell how many seconds you want to rewind the replay so iRacing can regenerate the smoke.
- In JRT Config, moved the "Default, Load, Export" buttons for the displays just under the displays list.
- Fixed some bugs that could make JRT to crash.
- Added an option 'Automatically hide the cpos and scpos columns when there is only one classe in the session' for the timing pages. By default, this option
was activated. You can now deactivate it.
- The drivers in the 'colorize drivers' menu are now sorted by name.
- Fixed a bug where the trackmap on the timing pages was cleared after entering the 'colorize drivers' menu.
- Added a search field at the top of JRT Config. It will search all menus.
- Fixed a bug with the timing page when the animations were activated.
- Fixed another bug that could make JRT to crash on fresh installations
- Fixed a bug with the launcher page.
- Fixed a bug that could make JRT to crash
- Now when you export a JRT page, it will also export the fonts located in the 'My Documents/Joel Real Timing/displays_fonts/' folder, the css perso file, and the banner logo if they are used.
And when you load a page exported with this JRT version, it will also load the fonts used, the css perso file and the banner logo if needed.
This way, it will be easier to share your settings with other people.
- Now when you load/export a page settings, the overlays setting are not loaded/exported to avoid your overlays windows to be moved when loading a page setting.
- Added an option for the timing to deactivate the setting that makes the lines darker when the cars are stopped or disconnected.
- Added an option for the timing to deactivate the setting that change the name color to orange when the driver is in the pitlane.
- Added an option for the timing to deactivate the setting that change the name color to red/blue when the driver is not in the same lap.
- Added an option for the timing to deactivate the colorize feature.
- Edited the timing2, timing3 and timing4 default pages that show what can be possible to do with css perso files.
- Fixed a bug that could cause an issue with the cloud applications like the dropbox for example because some files were not closed in JRT.
- Added an option for the timing to not display the logo in the banner.
- Added a column named class_box that displays a box colored with the class color.
- Added a font family option for the trackmap.
- Added an option to change the name color to orange for the driver that has the focus like in iRacing.
- Added an option for the dashboard to display the Predicted Race Length for the virtual winner.
- Added an option for the dashboard to display the Predicted Race length for the car focused.
- Added a column named nblaps_race that displays the Predicted Race length for the car.
- Added a dashboard page named FS_GT_Dashboard in the "import- export - default" folder that you can load with JRT Config.
- Added the option "Center zone draggable for the overlays" for the calculator, the launcher, the spotter, the compteur and the trackmap pages.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the trackmap to be distorted.
- Added in JRT Config the JRT Server Memory Usage.
- The timing pages should be loaded a bit faster.
- Added a column 'fuel' in the timing that displays an estimated amount of fuel in the tank.
- Added Speech Option for the last lap consumption.
- Added Gain options in the Sounds Options to adjust the sound volume of each sound files.
- Fixed a bug that could make JRT to crash.
- Added in JRT Config the JRT Server CPU Usage.
- Added 3 options in JRT Config > Other that let you decide if you want to save the session data or not. The first 2 options are now deactivated by default
because that could cause issues on some configurations in the endurance races.
- Added a dashboard page named Neil_Dashboards in the "import- export - default" folder that you can load with JRT Config.
- The dashboard pit box yellow bar animation should be smoother now.
- Fixed a bug with the gold/blue line in the laps remaining box on the calculator.
- Fixed a bug with the pit box yellow bar.
- Added a Speech Option for the remaining distance to the pit box.
- Added an option to make the switch between pages in the launcher faster. It is activated by default. This way, the pages are not reloaded
everytime you change the page.
- If you delete the _liste_sessions file in the sessions_data folder, JRT is now able to recreate it using the data files.
- Fixed a bug where the last lap consumption in the dashboard was replaced by the average consumption.
- Added a "click through" option for the Frames in the dashboard. That can be useful for example to put the spotter above a timing and still be able to click
on the timing elements.
- Fixed a bug with the logos that was not loaded properly sometimes on the timing.
- Fixed a bug where a random value was displayed on the dashboard when a setting was not available on the car, for example the ARB.
- Fixed a bug that could make some browsers not working with the timing and the trackmap pages.
- Fixed a bug on the dashboard with the frames where it was impossible to click on some elements.
- Added an option for the timing, trackmap and dashboard pages where you can specify if you want to use the css perso file or not.
- Fixed a bug introduced in the latest version where changing the Overlays position / size had no effect.
- Fixed a bug that could make JRT to crash.
- Now the shiftlight should be displayed above the dashboard frames if you set a z-index under 10 in the frame setting.
- Added a PIT Entry and Exit event for the selected driver.
- Added a Driver Swap event for the selected driver.
- In the timing events ticker, for the 'PIT Entry/Exit for the selected driver' event, the 'Driver Swap for the selected driver' event
and the 'Custom' event, it displays the time spent since the last event.
- Fixed a bug with the trackmap and the timing pages.
- Fixed a bug with the auto refuel mode in team racing.
- Fixed a bug with the tires_stints column on the timing.
- Fixed a bug with the speed calculations on replays.
- For standing start races, added a 2 minutes counter so you can see how many time is left until the start.
- Added the possibility to set a button to uncheck the windshield.
- Fixed a bug with the Undo/Redo buttons.
- Added an option to display the 'fuel to add' manual value instead of the 'fuel to add' calculated value in the 'fuel to add' box, when you are in 'Semi-Auto' Refuel mode.
This option is activated by default. Note that with this option deactivated, the 'fuel to add' manual value will be displayed temporary for 2 seconds when you change
this value.
- The 'fuel to add' manual value is now displayed in the 'fuel to add header' box, when you are in 'Semi-Auto' Refuel mode.
- Added a tires_nb_changes column on the timing that displays an estimated number of the tire changes in the session.
The estimation is based on the time spent in the pit stall so if a driver does some repairs and doesn't change the tires, the value will be wrong.
- Now the font size in the tires_stints column is adjusted to the number of digits.
- Splitted the 'Calculator Options' menu in two menus: 'Refuel Options' and 'Calculator Options'.
- Moved the 'Automatically calculate the Time lost in seconds in pit w/o refuel nor tires changes' setting to the 'Pit Parameters' menu.
- Moved the "Refuel with the 'Fuel to add' value calculated" button to the 'Refuel Options' menu.
- Added an option for the 'Auto' Refuel mode that allow you to set a 'fuel to add' offset.
It is an amount of fuel in liters that will be added in the tank additionnally to the 'fuel to add' calculated value when using the 'Auto' refuel mode.
- When you are in a race session or if you deactivated the tires data in JRT Config, the tires temperatures values displayed on the dashboard are the one read on the latest pit stop.
- Added Tire Percent Tread Remaining values for the dashboard. They are updated only after the pit stop.
- JRT should now detect HAT Switches.
- Updated the module that recognizes the buttons. It seems to have fixed an issue some people could have.
- Added an option for the tires_stints column on the timing where you can choose to have the stints aligned to the right (default), to the left, or centered.
- Added options for the timing, the dashboard and the calculator pages to change the number of decimals to be displayed
for the 'estimated laps' and the 'remaining laps' values.
- Added an option for the dashboard to display the license and the iRating for the driver ahead and the driver behind.
- Fixed a bug with the average laptime calculations in the laptimes history on the timing pages.
- Fixed a bug in JRT config where the default font settings were not loaded when using the 'Dashboard Default' button.
- Added a White background Mode where the selected driver background won't be white even if you have the 'selected driver mode' set to 'Auto select the focused car'.
- In JRT config, added descriptives that are displayed in a bubble info when you pass the mouse over the title ID for the timing and the Names for the dashboard.
- Now, when you want to edit the My Documents/Joel Real Timing/_colorize.js file to colorize the drivers on the timing and the trackmap manually,
you can use the name or a part of the name instead of the iRacing ID.
For example, if you add this line : colorize_driver_['joel'] = '#00ff00', it will colorize all the drivers whose name contains 'joel'.
- Added a 'Delta with the fastest stint in the session + (average)' option for the dahboard.
- Replaced the 'auto hide' setting for the overlays by 4 settings that let you decide when you want the overlay to be visible depending on whether the the sim is not running,
you are not in the car, you are in the garage or you are in the car.
- Fixed a bug with the fuel calculations that could happen in the first laps of an oval race.
- Fixed a bug where the iRacing session was not detected when the replay was on pause.
- Fixed a bug where the clubname was not loaded when loading a replay session.
- Fixed a bug with the 'Min. fuel to add at the next pit to avoid an additionnal pit' value.
- Fixed a bug with the 'Fuel to add at the next pit to do equal stints' value.
- Fixed a bug with the 'Fuel to add to do equal stints if you pit now' value.
- Renamed the 'Fuel to add at the next pit to do equal stints' by 'Fuel to add to equilibrate the stints'. You can use it in conjonction with the 'Number of laps before the next pit to equilibrate the stints' value to optimize your stints.
- Fixed a bug with the trackmaps where the car animation was not smooth when crossing the start/finish line.
- Added an option on the trackmaps to show/hide the turn infos.
- Added color options on the trackmaps for the turn # and the turn name.
- Added options on the trackmaps to show/hide the start/finish line and/or arrow.
- Added an option on the trackmaps to show/hide the cars in the pitlane.
- Added a Transparency Coefficient for the Car Color on the trackmap.
- Added an option to display a circular trackmap with an option to keep your car in the same place on the trackmap.
- Fixed a bug with the UNDO button in JRT Config.
- Improved a bit the orange circle animation that predicts the position after the pit stop on the trackmap.
- On the tire_compound column, the stints are now aligned to the right.
- Added the compound names Alternate and Primary for the Dallara ir18.
- Added the logos for the new cars.
- Added default pit parameters settings for the new cars and tracks.
- Added the trackmap for the new tracks and configurations.
- Added the turn numbers that were missing on some tracks.
- Added the new GT3 cars in the JRT class detection.
- Fixed a bug with the Okayama trackmap.
- Added an option to add an outline around the track.
- Added a size coefficient for the car outline on the trackmaps.
- On the trackmaps, you can specify different settings for the car selected.
- Added options on the trackmaps to change the start/finish line and arrow size and color independently.
- Added an option on the trackmap to change the distance between the turn infos and the track.
- Fixed a bug with the gap calculations when the race was over.
- The trackmap is a bit smoother.
- Now the estimated laps value should be displayed even before the race start.
- Added a background option for the spotter page that allow you to have the background opaque when arrows are displayed.
It can be usefull if you use the spotter over the dashboard to have a better contrast for the arrows.
- The 'Refuel with the fuel to add value' button is now deactivated when you are not in Manual Refuel mode.
- Fixed a bug that could make JRT not to detect the iRacing session.
- Fixed a bug with the timeremain color.
- Fixed a bug with "filter by class" in the timing pages where the "my class" setting was not saved when selected.
- Fixed a bug where some default values were not loaded for the dashboard displays n°2, 3, ...
- Fixed a bug where it was difficult to enter some values in JRT Config.
- Fixed a bug with JRT config when loading a timing page setting or when using the undo/redo button.
- Fixed a bug for the timing pages where the columns didn't fill completely the page.
- Fixed a bug with JRT config where some values were not accessible.
- Fixed a bug with the delta graphics on the dashboard.
- Fixed a bug with the JRT class detection.
- Fixed a bug that could make JRT to crash when you add read only files in the My Documents/Joel Real Timing folder.
- Fixed a bug with the wheel guns sounds for the openwheel cars.
- Fixed a bug with the right click on the laptimes history that was not working well on the timing pages.
- Now you don't need to activate the "force semi-auto and auto refuel mode ..." setting when you want to use the semi-auto or auto refuel modes in team racing.
- Added a "Number of laps per tank" value on the dashboard.
- Added a "Number of laps before the pit window" on the dashboard.
- Added a template_horizontal.txt file in 'My Documents/Joel Real Timing' where you can change the name mode (the mode number is the same than the other timing pages).
- Added an option on the timing to hide the double yellow line under the latest driver that passed the start/finish line.
- Added the possibility to display up to 4 html pages in an iframe on the dashboard pages. You can for example display the visual spotter over the dashboard.
- Added options on the trackmaps to choose the car color and font color.
- Added an options on the trackmap to display a border around the car circle.
- Added the possibility to deactivate some options for the car (rings, dot and P1) on the trackmaps.
- Added an horizontal bar for the throttle and the brake that includes %.
- Added an 'Automatic Width Reference' option that can help you to configure the timing pages.
- When you export the config files to the web server for the broadcast modes 2 and 3, the txt files are now replaced by js files to avoid errors that could happened on some servers.
- The average in the laptimes history on the timing pages is now calculated without the laps under yellow.
- Fixed a bug with the tires_stints column that could be wrong for a driver that has a connection issue.
- Fixed a bug with the name column introduced in the latest version where the full name was replaced by the 3 first letters.
- Fixed a bug where the launcher window position didn't change without saving and reloading the page.
- Fixed another issue the dashboard_to_udsb480 program.
- Fixed a bug with the photo mode "hide watermark" option with large displays.
- Fixed a bug where the JRT pages were blinking when a new driver entered in the session.
- Fixed a bug that could make the calculations to be wrong when your last lap was invalid.
- Fixed a bug with the "number of positions gained in class by the car ahead" on the dashboard.
- Fixed a bug where the session data was not saved anymore because the iRacing live sessions were detected as a replay session.
- Fixed a bug with the "Hide/Show the overlays" button where it was not possible to show or hide the overlays when the "auto hide" option was selected on some pages.
- Fixed a bug where the green flag was shown too soon.
- The spotter with beep sounds should now be played also just before the restarts.
- Now you can't set a calculation rate below 10 because it causes an issue with the trackmaps.
- Added 2 options for the name column on the timing : first name and last name initial, first name initial and last name 3 first letters.
- Added an option for the tire compound column on the timing : Color Circle with the Initial.
- Added an autoscroll mode for the timing (Center vertically the selected driver even if there is empty space at the top).
- Added a tires_stints column for the timing that displays the number of laps done on the tires and the compound used. It tries to detect if
the tires has been changed for the drivers or not depending of the time spent in the pits.
- Added options for the trackmaps pages to set the car circle size et the car font size.
- Fixed an issue with a windows update that made the dashboard_to_usdb480.exe program not to work.
- Fixed a bug with the tire compound column where the tire logos were reloaded continuously.
- Added an option to change the compteur page background transparency.
- Photo mode : added an option to try to hide the iRacing.com watermark.
- Fixed some little bugs.
- Tires telemetry data is back but only for the practice and test sessions due to iRacing limitations.
- Added a tire compound column in the timing for the F1 car (you have the choice to display the name or the logo).
- Added the new cars and tracks.
- Added the new McLaren car.
- Added the new cars and tracks.
- Added the new cars and tracks.
- Fixed a bug that could make the timing page to crash.
- Added the new cars and tracks.
- Added the new cars and tracks.
- Fixed a bug with the JRT class detection and the new GT3 car.
- Fixed a bug where the FIA F4 car logo was not displayed on the timing.
- Added the new cars and tracks.
- Added the missing logo for the Gen 4 car.
- Added the new cars and tracks.
- Fixed a bug where some battery infos was not displayed for the LMDh and the F1 W13.
- Added the new cars and the new track.
- Added the new car and the new tracks.
- Added the new car and the new tracks.
- Added new cars and tracks.
- Added the missing car logos for the Lucas Oil Off Road cars.
- Added new cars and tracks.
- Fixed a bug with the Porsche 911 GT3 Cup (992) logo that was not loaded on the timing pages.
- Fixed an issue where the wrong value was displayed on the dashboard when you changed the 'Target batt SoC request' value for the McLaren MP430 car.
- Fixed a bug that could make JRT to crash.
- Fixed a bug with the auto and semi-auto refuel modes.
- Added the new cars and tracks.
- Fixed a bug with the number of laps remaining calculations.
- Fixed a bug with the timing_broadcast page in the overlays that was not hidden when changing the "show the overlay when ..." options.
- Fixed a bug where the iRacing series logo was not loaded anymore.
- Fixed a bug where some config files could not be read.
- Added the new cars and tracks.
- Fixed a bug that made JRT to crash in the NEC when using the JRT class detection option.
- JRT now uses the 'SessionLapsRemainEx' iRacing telemetry value instead of the old value 'SessionLapsRemain' to calculate the number of the laps left in the iRacing sessions that are
limited by the number of laps.
- Fixed a bug where the dashboard config was not loaded when the was the ' character in the display name.
- Fixed a bug with the cars logos that were not loaded sometimes.
- Fixed a bug with the auto shiftlight mode.
- Added the new cars and tracks.
- Fixed a bug where the info displayed on the dashboard when you activate/deactivate the TC on the Mercedes GT3 was the opposite since the last update.
- Fixed a bug with the ffb value displayed in Nm on the dashboard.
- Fixed a bug where the BMW M4 GT3 was not in the correct class in the Nurburgring Endurance Championship.
- Fixed a bug with the positions in the timing after doing a tow.
- Fixed a bug where the info displayed on the dashboard when you activate/deactivate the TC on the GT4 cars was the opposite.
- Fixed a bug with the visual spotter where the arrows were not displayed in some cases.
- Fixed a bug with the overlays when deactivating the "always on top" setting.
- Fixed a bug where the Auto refuel mode was not working when you entered the pit lane slowly.
- Fixed a bug where a random value was displayed on the dashboard when a setting was not available on the car, for example the ARB.
- Fixed a bug that could cause an issue with the cloud applications like the dropbox for example because some files were not closed in JRT.
- Fixed a bug that could make JRT to crash.
- Fixed a bug with the gold/blue line in the laps remaining box on the calculator.
- Fixed a bug with the pit box yellow bar.
- Fixed a bug that could make JRT to crash.
- Fixed a bug with the speed calculations on replays.
- Updated the module that recognizes the buttons. It seems to have fixed an issue some people could have.
- Fixed a bug in JRT config where the default font settings were not loaded when using the 'Dashboard Default' button.
- Fixed a bug where the iRacing session was not detected when the replay was on pause.
- Fixed a bug where the clubname was not loaded when loading a replay session.
- Fixed a bug with the 'Min. fuel to add at the next pit to avoid an additionnal pit' value.
- Fixed a bug with the 'Fuel to add at the next pit to do equal stints' value.
- Fixed a bug with the 'Fuel to add to do equal stints if you pit now' value.
- Fixed a bug with the trackmaps where the car animation was not smooth when crossing the start/finish line.
- Fixed a bug with the UNDO button in JRT Config.
- Fixed a bug with the gap calculations when the race was over.
- Added the logos for the new cars.
- Added default pit parameters settings for the new cars and tracks.
- Added the trackmap for the new tracks and configurations.
- Added the turn numbers that were missing on some tracks.
- Added the new GT3 car in the JRT class detection.
- Fixed a bug with the Okayama trackmap.
- The 'Refuel with the fuel to add value' button is now deactivated when you are not in Manual Refuel mode.
- Fixed a bug that could make JRT not to detect the iRacing session.
- Fixed a bug with the timeremain color.
- Fixed a bug with "filter by class" in the timing pages where the "my class" setting was not saved when selected.
- Fixed a bug where some default values were not loaded for the dashboard displays n°2, 3, ...
- Fixed a bug where it was difficult to enter some values in JRT Config.
- Fixed a bug with JRT config when loading a timing page setting or when using the undo/redo button.
- Fixed a bug for the timing pages where the columns didn't fill completely the page.
- Fixed a bug with JRT config where some values were not accessible.
- Fixed a bug with the delta graphics on the dashboard.
- Fixed a bug with the JRT class detection.
- Fixed a bug that could make JRT to crash when you add read only files in the My Documents/Joel Real Timing folder.
- Fixed a bug with the wheel guns sounds for the openwheel cars.
- Fixed a bug with the right click on the laptimes history that was not working well on the timing pages.
- Now you don't need to activate the "force semi-auto and auto refuel mode ..." setting when you want to use the semi-auto or auto refuel modes in team racing.
- Fixed a bug where the launcher window position didn't change without saving and reloading the page.
- Fixed another issue the dashboard_to_udsb480 program.
- Fixed a bug where the JRT pages were blinking when a new driver entered in the session.
- Fixed a bug that could make the calculations to be wrong when your last lap was invalid.
- Fixed a bug with the "number of positions gained in class by the car ahead" on the dashboard.
- Fixed a bug where the session data was not saved anymore because the iRacing live sessions were detected as a replay session.
- Fixed a bug with the "Hide/Show the overlays" button where it was not possible to show the overlays when the "auto hide" option was selected on some pages.
- Fixed a bug where the green flag was shown too soon.
- The spotter with beep sounds should now be played also just before the restarts.
- Now you can't set a calculation rate below 10 because it causes an issue with the trackmaps.
- Fixed some bugs that could make JRT to crash.
- Fixed an issue with a windows update that made the dashboard_to_udsb480 program not to work.
- Fixed a bug with the new features that could make JRT to crash.
- Fixed several bugs with the timing page and the classes filtering.
- Added an option to display the estimated consumption of the current lap on the dashboard pages. It is calculated based on your last lap consumption.
- Added an option to filter the timing by class directly in JRT Config. Note that if you use a classid parameter in the url, it will have priority to the JRT config setting.
- Added the missing car logo for the The Toyota Supra Class B.
- Added intermediate shutter speed settings for the photo mode to control better the desired blur.
- On the dashboard, when you are the leader and set the "Driver Ahead & Behind" to "0: In the standings", you will see the driver ahead on the track.
- Fixed a bug where the JRT server was stuck with the "waiting for iRacing to start" message after loading an iRacing replay.
- Fixed a bug that could cause the gap to flick on the timing.
- Deactivated the "timing page reload on double click" feature and added an option in JRT Config if you want to reactivate it.
- Only the "Remaining laps" value is not calculated when you are in the pit lane, but the "fuel to add" value is still calculated because it is needed if you are using refuel mode "auto" or "semi-auto".
- Fixed a bug where the Weather Infos were not displayed in the trackmap included in the timing page.
- Added size coefficients for the north arrow, the wind arrow, the pit time lost font and the weather infos font on the trackmaps.
- The "Remaining laps" and "fuel to add" values are not calculated anymore if you are in the pitlane to avoid possible calculations errors.
- Fixed a bug with the car logo for the C8R.
- Added a button in JRT Config > General buttons to hide/show the overlays.
- Fixed a bug with the race results saved in the JRT sessions_data folder.
- Added a column line_num that display the line number of the timing. It is useful if you want to see the positions when you sort the columns.
- Added the new cars and trackmaps.
- The C8r is now in the GTE class and the new P2 in the P2 class when using the JRT classes.
- Fixed a bug that could make JRT to crash in some AI races.
- You can double click (or double tap if you are using a mobile device) on the timing page to reload it.
- Added an option to hide the predicted position on the trackmaps (orange circle).
- Added two options for the trackmaps to set the turn number and turn info font size coefficient.
- Fixed a bug that could make the JRT pages to crash and stay on the "loading" message on some configs.
- Fixed a bug that could make JRT to crash when you change some overlay settings.
- Added a garage.html page that becomes automatically opaque when you are in the garage. It can be useful to hide the garage when you are streaming.
By default it displays a black image but you can change it by replacing the "My Documents/Joel Real Timing/img/garage.png" file by your own image.
You will need to restart JRT and to reload the garage.html page for the changes to take effect.
You can set a button in JRT Config > General Buttons that allow you to hide/show the garage manually to prevent the garage to be visible the first tenths when you get in.
- Added the missing trackmaps (some oval and dirt tracks).
- Added an option for the timing and the calculator pages to display the consumption bigger between the tank and the est. laps values.
- Added a calculator_perso.css file in "My Documents/Joel Real Timing/css".
- Fixed a bug that could make JRT to crash when you change some overlay settings.
- Fixed a bug where the trackmap background transparency was not updated immediately when changing the setting in JRT Config.
- Fixed a bug where the weather infos on the trackmap was not hidden when deactivated in JRT Config.
- Fixed a bug with the spotter page.
- Fixed a bug with the timing_horizontal page where the laptimes didn't have the correct format.
- Fixed a bug with the timing_horizontal page where you saw your name in the drivers list when you were a spectator.
- Added the Kentucky 2020 oval track that was missing.
- Fixed a bug that could make JRT to crash when using the photo mode.
- Fixed a bug that could make JRT to crash on some configs.
- Now on the timing relatives (F3 box mode), by default the drivers in the pits are displayed.
There is an option in JRT config > Others where you can decide to hide the drivers in the pits as it was the case before.
- Fixed a bug where the overlays where not displayed independantly as it was before.
- There is a new overlay setting that allow you to force an overlay to be displayed under another one.
- Add Daytona Nascar Road 2020 trackmap.
- Fixed a bug that could make JRT to crash.
- Fixed a bug that could make JRT to crash when you enter a negative value for the pause in the broadcast settings.
- Fixed a bug that could make JRT to not update the data when changing session.
- Fixed a bug with the classes when a new driver joined a practice session.
- Fixed a bug where the best laptimes could be not correct in practice sessions.
- Fixed a bug with the Japan club logo.
- You can now change the weather infos CSS style for the trackmap. For example, if you want to change the font size, add this in the trackmap_perso.css
file you have in "My Documents/Joel Real Timing/css" :
#weather {
font-size: 2em;
- Fixed a bug where the "There is enough fuel in the tank" sound was played a bit too soon.
- Added an option "White Background Mode" for the timing.
- Added the possibility to display the best and the last laptime on the horizontal timing. The CSS class id are respectively b and l.
If you don't want to display them, add this in the timing_horizontal_perso.css file :
.b {
display: none !important;
.l {
display: none !important;
- Added an option to change the start-finish arrow and line color on the trackmaps.
- Fixed a bug that caused the trackmap settings not to be updated on the timing pages.
- Added 2 parameters for the dashboard pages RPM LEDs in JRT Config > Car Parameters to let you configure how you want the leds to behave.
- Fixed a bug that could make JRT to crash.
- Fixed a bug with the trackmap2 that was loading the trackmap template.
- Fixed a bug where the animations were still active when the "F3 Box Mode" was activated.
- Fixed a bug with the dashboard_to_usbd480.exe application.
- Fixed a bug with the classes on the timing pages.
- Added a horizontal timing page named timing_horizontal.html. There is no options at the moment in JRT config but you can edit the timing_horizontal_perso.css file
in "My Documents/Joel Real Timing" to customize it.
The CSS class names are pos, cpos, num, name, tn, g and cg. tn refers to team name, g refers to gap and cg refers to the gap in class.
You can define the scroll speed by adding this in the CSS :
:root {
--scroll_speed: 2;
You can change the order of the elements by adding an order info in the css. For example, if you want the num to be displayed before the pos, you do this :
.num {
order: 1;
.pos {
order: 2;
If you want to hide one element, for example the num, you have to this in the css :
.num {
display: none !important;
You can display only one class by adding the classid parameter in the url, for example, will display only the first class.
You can order the drivers by class by adding the orderbyclass parameter :
- When you start the JRT server, a new file is created in "C:/Joel Real Timing/js" named _colors_by_num.js. You can edit this file to
force the background color and the font color of a specific car number or classid in the timing, the trackmap and the dashboard pages.
You can also create your own class by car numbers. You will find a file named EXAMPLE_colors_by_num.js that explains how to edit it.
This way, you can create different classes with the same car.
- Added a speed limit indicator on the speed box in the dashboard. It displays the speed delta with the pit speed limit when the delta is under 2 mph.
- Fixed some bugs that could make JRT to crash.
- Now if the tethering mode is not working, JRT switch back automatically to normal mode so it doesn't crash anymore.
- Now when you change a setting for the launcher page, you don't need to save and to restart JRT to see the effect.
- Added the missing pitstrategy and trackmap default data for Interlagos track.
- Fixed a bug where you didn't see the background transparency changes for the trackmap on the timing pages.
- Now when you export a dashboard page, it also exports the background images and the fonts used on all the displays.
- Fixed a bug that could make the dashboard to freeze.
- Added default pitstrategy parameters for the new cars.
- Added the spotter page to the launcher page.
- Now, when you set a button in JRT config, it saves the device name instead of the joystick number so if the number changes after
a restart of your computer, you don't have to reset the buttons.
- Tires telemetry is not available anymore since latest iRacing update so the "Tires data" menu was removed. You still have tire settings
visible for the dashboard so you can untick them for your dashboard displays.
- Fixed a bug that could make the timing page to freeze.
- Fixed a bug with the timing and the classes.
- Added the logos for the new cars.
- Fixed a bug with the start position / position gained in the timing pages.
- Fixed some bugs that could make JRT to crash.
- Fixed a bug with the spotter page that crashed once you changed a setting in JRT config.
- Fixed an incompatibility between the JRT config page and Internet Explorer and Safari on old iPad.
- Fixed a bug that was causing some animations on the timing pages to be still active even when you deactivated them.
- You can use the parameter classid=-1 to display only the cars that are in your class. For example, you will enter this address for the timing :
- Added the missing trackmap configurations for the Barcelona Catalunya track.
- Fixed a bug that was causing the license not to be recognized after being connected with an account that didn't have a license active.
- Add the ID of the paint on the name of each photos taken using the spotter pack mode.
- Fixed a bug with the laps remaining value when the leader starts the last lap in a session with limited laps.
- Fixed a bug where the JRT config folder was not put in the correct documents location in case you changed it in windows.
- Added the possibility to specify a display parameter in the dashboard pages url so you can display more than 2 different dashboards at the same time. For example, if you want to load the display #3, enter this address :
- Added the missing Mexico and Africa/South Africa logos for the timing pages.
- Fixed some bugs with the sectors times in the timing pages.
- Fixed bugs introduced with the v1.31.0.2 in some elements in the dashboard.
- Fixed some bugs with the timing pages.
- Fixed an issue that was causing the timing page to be slow when using the Oculus.
- Fixed some bugs that caused JRT to crash in some situations.
- Update the Indianapolis oval trackmap that had a glitch.
- Improved a bit the pages performances.
- Fixed a bug with the config files directory when you started JRT for the first time that could cause a crash when saving the new settings.
IMPORTANT : you will have to reconfigure the buttons in JRT if you want them to be recognized !
- JRT can now detect most types of the buttons, included the keys on the keyboard. You can also use buttons or keys combinations.
- Fixed some bugs that could make JRT to crash.
- Added a "spotter pack" mode for the photo mode that allow you to take the same photo with different paints automatically.
To use this mode, you have to put the car folder paint in "My Documents/Joel Real Timing/photos - paints". This car folder must have the same name
than the one in the iRacing paint folder. You can also put the suit and helmet paints in the "My Documents/Joel Real Timing/photos - paints" root folder.
You may have to set the iRacing paint folder in JRT config > Server options.
- Now you don't need to restart the JRT server after a broadcast setting change (except for the mode 1).
- It doesn't play anymore a sound when JRT crashes to prevent heart attacks.
- Fixed a bug with the session data save process that were freezing JRT in endurance races.
- Added default value for the car length so that you don't need to edit it anymore for the visual & sound spotters.
- Fixed a bug where the car length was set to 6 even if you changed it in JRT config.
- Fixed a bug with the laptime average columns in the timing pages.
- Now a right click on the laptimes history close it in the timing pages.
- Fixed a bug with the photo mode when the DPI scale was not set to 100% in windows.
- You can now edit a specific css file to set personnal css properties for each page (timing, timing2, timing3, timing4, timing_broadcast, dashboard, dashboard2, trackmap, trackmap2). You will find thoses files in "My Documents/Joel Real Timing/css". Those files are not deleted when you do a new JRT installation.
- Fixed a bug with the compteur overlay that was not updated when you changed the settings in JRT config.
- Fixed some bugs that could make JRT to crash.
- Fixed a bug with JRT config and Microsoft Edge browser.
- Moved the "Display the menu at the bottom" setting for the timing pages because it was lost in the "events ticker" options.
- Added a P2P column on the timing that displays the push-to-pass count for the indycar.
- Added an option for the dashboard to display the push-to-pass count for the driver and the drivers ahead and behind.
- Most of the trackmaps has been generated and you don't need to generate it yourself anymore to see the trackmap.
- Added pit parameters default options for most of the cars and tracks so you don't need set it, except if you want to specify more accurate values for your need.
- Use the new pit parameters default options to improve the remaining laps calculations when the leader is not in the same car than the driver.
- Now the "Front / Rear ARB" in-car settings should be correct for the Lotus 79.
- You can now set a different font family for each display in the dashboard pages.
- Added JRT class colors for the new iRacing Endurance Series.
- Added the sectors history in the csv log_sessions files.
- Added the 'Boost Level' and the 'Throttle shape' values on the dashboard options.
- Now JRT config tells you if you are using the version with or without CUDA.
- Added the possibility to load/export timing, dashboard and trackmap settings.
- Fixed a bug that could cause JRT to freeze and to not detect that iRacing is started.
- Fixed some bugs that could make JRT to crash.
- Fixed a bug that could make the "Refuel with the 'fuel to add' value" button to set an incorrect value if you had a short internet disconnection while
pressing the button. A sound will be played to alert you when you press the button, so you will have to press it again later.
- Added an option to choose the number of decimals to display for the hybrid cars values (ERS, MGU, ...) on the dashboards.
- Fixed a bug where consumption values under 0.1 liter per lap were ignored by JRT. That could cause calculations issues on very short tracks with cars that consumes little.
- Fixed a bug that made the other options disappeared in JRT config.
- Added an option to activate/deactivate the vJoy drivers in JRT and to change the vJoy device number to use. By default, it is deactivated,
so if you are using the virtual buttonbox, you have to activate it, to save, and to restart the JRT server.
- Fixed a bug with JRT config where it was not possible to set a button from the virtual buttonbox.
- Fixed a bug with the tires telemetry data.
- Fixed a bug with the launcher page where the page displayed changed to the default page when you resize the window.
- Fixed a bug where the timing pages were slow to update when you changed a setting in JRT config.
- Fixed a bug with the events ticker.
- Fixed a bug that could make JRT to freeze between sessions.
- Fixed a bug with the "Create the files to export on the web server" button in the broadcast options.
- Fixed some bugs that could make JRT to crash.
- Fixed a bug that made JRT to crash if your computer name had special characters.
- Fixed a bug with the "save the results to csv" button that was not working in "Other Options".
- Changed the way you define the background image for the dashboard displays. Now, for each display you can define the
file name of the background image. This image has to be saved in the "My Documents/Joel Real Timing/displays_bg/" folder.
- In JRT Config > Pages Options, you now have the URL to enter in a browser for each page.
- Fixed a bug with the dashboard introduced accidently in the last JRT update.
- Updated the JRT class colors for the NEC series.
- The units for the tires pressure are now displayed in Psi when the English units are used in iRacing.
- The units for the tires temperatures are now displayed in °F when the English units are used in iRacing. You can also
force the temperature unit in the general dashboard settings.
- Added an option to specify where the iRacing/telemetry path is in case the JRT can't find it.
- Fixed some bugs that could make JRT to crash.
- Fixed a bug with the displays buttons.
- Added a tires display example you can load in "the dashboard - displays" options.
- Added 2 new options in "Other Options" to open JRT config at the start of the server and to open the download page
if a new version is available.
- The fullscreen settings for the pages are back.
- New JRT config interface. To open it, you have to enter this address in a browser :
You can replace by the local IP address to access it from an external device.
- Now each dashboard display has his own reference width, reference height, and transparent background setting to facilitate the displays importations.
- It is now easier to load / export a display for the dashboard (I will work later on a way to share the dashboard displays on the JRT website).
- Fixed a bug that made the JRT not to load in some situations when you open the JRT pages on several devices or with the overlays.
- Fixed a bug with the license checking that could cause the JRT base server to stop working and the license to not been activated.
- Added the logos for the new supercars et the new GT4.
- Added tires surface temperature et tires pressure options for the dashboard.
- Added Left and Right Tires Only buttons.
- Added the clutch, apex speed, iRating gain and iRating projected boxes in the dashboard settings.
- Added a bat file with a shortcut on the desktop that start the JRT Server minimized and then the JRT Overlays 5 seconds later.
- Added 3 refuel modes to control how you want JRT to interact with iRacing for the refuel :
1) Manual : Let iRacing do the refuel
2) Semi-Auto : Automatically refuel with the 'fuel to add' value set manually
3) Auto : Automatically refuel with the 'fuel to add' value calculated by JRT
- You have now 4 calculations modes to control how you want JRT to calculate the fuel to add :
1) 1L : Use the last lap consumption
2) 5L : Use the last 5 laps average consumption
3) MAX : Use the maximum consumption from the start of the session
4) Set : Use the consumption set manually
- You can now filter a class in the timing url by entering the classid in parameter. For example, if you want to filter the
first class, enter this address :
- Fixed a bug with the "Infos Bar Coef" setting.
- Fixed a bug with the "Time Remaining" box when the race was limited by the number of laps.
- Fixed a bug with the license detection when loading a replay or changing account. If you have
any issue with your license, delete the key.lic file you have in the JRT installation folder, restart JRT, and enter an
iRacing session.
- Fixed a bug with the trackmap where a yellow circle was displayed on all cars as if they were stopped on the track.
- Updated the Japan club logo.
- You can now change the name displayed on the timing for specific drivers by editing the drivers.txt file you have in "C:/Joel Real Timing/img".
For example, if you add this line :
driver_[32830] = "Joel JRT";
The driver name which iRacing ID is 32830 will be replaced by "Joel JRT".
- Fixed a bug that appeared since the Daytona 24H race.
- Fixed a bug with the timing and the AI races.
- Fixed a bug with the launcher page.
- Fixed some bugs that could make JRT to crash.
- Fixed a bug with the rpm and gear on the dashboard when watching a driver.
- Added the possibility to edit the css files for the timing, the dashboard and the trackmap without losing your changes after an update.
When you start JRT, a css folder is created in "My Documents/Joel Real Timing" containing the css files you can edit. For the changes to take effect you
will have to restart JRT and to reload the pages. You may need to delete the cache.
- Fixed a bug that could make all the car logos not sent on the web server in broadcast mode 2 or 3.
- Fixed a bug that were causing the trackmap not to be smooth as it should with high refresh rate values.
- When pressing the JRT refuel button, it unchecks 'add fuel' when the fuel to add value is 0 or less (before that, it was adding the minimum fuel value).
- Fixed a bug where the dashboard2usbd480 exe was not working with the JRT without Cuda version.
- Simplified a bit the use of an USBD480 screen with the dashboard.
- Updated the JRT class detection with some specific colors for some series.
- Fixed a bug that could make JRT to crash when using broadcast mode 2.
- Fixed some bugs that could make JRT to crash.
- Fixed some bugs that could make JRT to crash.
- Fixed some bugs that could make JRT to crash.
- Now when you use the overlays with the auto-hide setting, you don't lose the focus on iRacing so you can press the "Escape" key to exit the car.
- Fixed a bug that was causing to put too much fuel in the tank when pressing the JRT refuel button (that was the case at least with the dallara F3 car).
- Added the Japan club logo
- Fixed a bug with the overlays
- Fixed a bug that made a red message appears on the timing indicating that the licence was not active when you start JRT.
- Fixed a bug with the iRacing ID detection where is some rare cases, iRacing would attribute the ID 1 instead of the correct one.
- Fixed a bug that could make JRT to crash when the name of a driver is not defined.
- Fixed a bug that could make JRT to crash at the start of a new session.
- When JRT crashes, a crash notification is automatically sent to JRT.
- JRT with CUDA and JRT without CUDA are now considered as 2 differents apps by windows. That will facilitate the update of both in case you installed
the 2 versions.
- Fixed a bug with the overlays that were not working anymore since the 1.28 version.
- Added the logo for the new cars.
- JRT detects black car logos when loading a session, and it replaces it automatically with the default car logo if it exists.